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A new study commissioned by FedEx (NYSE: FDX) and conducted byForrester Consulting has revealed preferences of online shoppers,both globally and in the UK In an effort to better understandglobal purchasing behaviour in cross-border e-commerce, researchers more than 9,000 respondents in 17 countries andterritories, and conducted interviews with small-and-mediumbusinesses with cross-border operations. The UK, along with Chinaand the US, are the top three exporters of online purchases.
With online buying behaviour currently representing more than $1trillion in global sales per year and forecasted to nearly doublein the next four years according to Forrester Research data, thefindings of the paper, “Seizing The Cross-Border Opportunity” arerevealing. For more than a third (34%) of UK online shoppers,online purchases account for at least a of their totalmonthly spend. Clothing and apparel are the most popular onlinepurchase in the UK, along with books, footwear and music. The studyalso found a significant part of e-commerce involves cross-bordershipments.
吉林DHL国际快递 吉林市DHL国际快递服务查询 邮寄国外 “This research provides deepinsight into the priorities and preferences of global onlinecustomers and highlights how small and mid-sized retailers canbetter take advantage of the cross-border opportunity”, said RajSubramaniam, executive vice president, Global Marketing, FedEx.“Knowledge about both the cultural similarities and differences ingeographic markets can help businesses gain real online retailadvantage.”
70% of UK respondents indicated they buy items online at leastonce a month and a little over 35% say they make online purchasesof goods from merchants outside their country at least every fewmonths.
What all this means for small and mid-size businesses is theyalso have an opportunity to take advantage of regional differences.UK respondents look to international SME retailers because theprices are generally lower (41%), or to source specialty and uni (38%).
UK shoppers also indicated a greater interest in internationalcross-border shopping where the experience provided simpleexchanges, guaranteed costs at check-out including duties andtaxes, and free returns, with 45% saying this was very influentialto their decision making.
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