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DHL Supply Chain 是 Deutsche Post DHL Group 的一个部门,也是全球的合同物流供应商,在其2019 年第三方物流魔力象限中,全球的研究和咨询公司 Gartner, Inc. 将其定位为,北美报道。

  DHL Supply Chain 的规模和能力为其客户实现了深度集成的端到端供应链,为大量的全球公司提供了价值。在Gartner, Inc. 的 2018 年 Gartner 供应链 25 强中列出的公司中,近 70% 是 DHL供应链客户。(Gartner,2018 年 Gartner 供应链 25 强,Stan Aronow 等人,2018 年 5 月 16日)

  根据 Gartner 的说法,“这份魔力象限报告了北美*的第三方物流 (3PL) 供应商。”

  DHL Supply Chain 是 Gartner 在两个轴上和定位的 19家公司之一:愿景的完整性和执行能力。Vision 的市场理解标准的完整性“[e]供应商了解当前供应链和物流挑战和趋势的程度,并将其转化为行业和/或特定领域的客户解决方案。这包括根据客户的需要支持新的和不同的合作和运营模式。”执行能力的整体可行性标准轴“[a]组织的整体财务状况、业务的实际成功以及业务将继续提供和投资其服务的可能性,并可以扩展其能力以满足客户的需求。”


  根据 Gartner的报告,“这些供应商使客户能够将其物流业务全部或部分外包给外部专家。许多公司将物流外包视为降低成本的有效战略,但越来越多的客户正在寻求创新的解决方案,以改善流程和服务。”

  DHL 北美供应链执行官 Scott Sureddin表示:“可预测性在这项业务中至关重要,我们的客户指望我们在我们所做的一切中保持的运营水平。”“我们相信,今年再次被评为魔力象限的,证明了我们有能力进行战略思考和运营,以推动我们各个垂直领域的客户持续提高效率。”

  Gartner,第三方物流魔力象限,北美,Greg Aimi 和 Courtney Rogerson,2019 年 5 月8 日

  Gartner不认可其研究出版物中描述的任何供应商、产品或服务,也不建议技术用户仅选择那些评级或其他的供应商。Gartner 研究出版物包含Gartner 研究组织的意见,不应被解释为事实陈述。Gartner对本研究不承担任何明示或暗示的保证,包括对适销性或特定用途适用性的任何保证。

  DHL Supply Chain, a division of Deutsche Post DHL Group andthe leading global contract logistics provider, has been positionedby Gartner, Inc the world’s leading research and advisory firm, asa Leader in its 2019 Magic for Third-Party Logistics,North America report.

  DHL Supply Chain’s scale and capabilities enable a deeplyintegrated end-to-end supply chain for its customers, providingvalue to a substantial range of leading global corporations. Nearly70 percent of the companies listed in Gartner, Inc.’s The GartnerSupply Chain Top 25 for 2018 are DHL Supply Chain customers.(Gartner, The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2018, Stan Aronow etal 16 May 2018)

  According to Gartner, “This Magic report evaluatesthe most prominent third-party logistics (3PL) providers in NorthAmerica.”

  DHL Supply Chain was one of 19 companies that Gartnerevaluated and positioned across two axes: Completeness of Visionand Ability to Execute. Completeness of Vision’s MarketUnderstanding criteria “[e]valuates the degree to which theprovider understands current supply chain and logistics challengesand trends, and translates them into industry and/ordomain-specific customer solutions. This includes supporting newand different partnering and operating models as desired bycustomers.” The axis of Ability to Execute’s Overall Viabilitycriteria “[a]ssesses the organization’s overall financial health,the practical success of the business, and the likelihood that thebusiness will continue to offer and invest in its services, and canextend its capabilities to meet customers’ needs.”

  In 2019, DHL Supply Chain maintained the furthest position inCompleteness of Vision and improved its position for Ability toExecute in the Leaders compared to the previous version ofthe report.

  According to the Gartner report, “These providers enablecustomers to outsource, either completely or partially, theirlogistics operations to external specialists. Many companies viewlogistics outsourcing as an effective strategy primarily to reducecosts, but more and more customers are seeking innovative solutionsthat can improve process and service as well.”


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