DHL Supply Chain 是美洲合同物流领域的,也是德国邮政 DHL 集团的一部分,宣布推出其的客户技术平台,我的供应链不明确的. 这个安全且易于使用的平台集成了来自 DHL Supply Chain应用程序的数据,为客户提供完整的供应链可见性,只需一次登录即可随时随地在线访问。MySupplyChain 将于 6月向北美的适用客户提供,随后将在区域内进一步推广。
“通过 MySupplyChain,DHL Supply Chain正在帮助客户成功管理复杂性并限度地提高供应链运营的效率,”DHL 供应链北美信息官 Sally Miller说。“用户将不再需要访问和解释不同的系统来导航他们的供应链需求和分析。相反,该平台提供了全貌,使客户能够敏捷灵活。”
新的全球标准化平台是 DHL Supply Chain数字化战略的关键组成部分,可为客户提供端到端的供应链可见性。MySupplyChain 的试点于 2018 年初开始,新平台目前为30 多个客户账户的近 500 名用户提供服务。DHL Supply Chain 计划不断发展MySupplyChain,包括进一步的技术集成、客户个性化功能等。
DHL Supply Chain, the Americas’ leader in contract logistics andpart of Deutsche Post DHL Group, announced the availability oftheir latest customer technology platform, MySupplyChain. Thesecure and easy-to-use platform integrates data from DHL SupplyChain applications, providing customers with complete supply chainvisibility, accessible online anytime, anywhere, through a singlelogin. MySupplyChain will be available to applicable customers inNorth America in June, with further regional rollouts tofollow.
Through one comprehensive and customizable platform,MySupplyChain allows customers to access track-and-trace data,inventory, operational performance and reporting, businessanalytics, customer service and more from any desktop or mobiledevice. MySupplyChain users gain end-to-end visibility of globalsupply chain operations – from shipments entering the warehouse tofinal delivery – all in near real time. With this complete view ofnetwork-wide inventory positions and warehouse-level orderstatuses, customers can leverage up-to-date data to identifyinsights that drive continuous improvement and competitiveadvantage.
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