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十堰DHL国际快递公司 十堰DHL快递服务网点

更新时间:2025-01-10 21:00:00
联系手机: 13338807299

十堰DHL国际快递公司 十堰DHL快递服务网点

十堰市DHL国际速递,十堰市DHL国际速递,十堰市DHL国际电话,十堰市DHL货运物流公司 DHL企业集团依据调职部署员工,以可用联合国儿童会作为 COVAX设施重要供货合作者人物角色。三名物流专家授职位于格勒诺布尔的联合国儿童会供货方以及迪拜的区域供应关键实行独特岗位职责。他把参与与分析物流数据、管理方案进关货物和人道主义物资发放以及可用预苗空运货物的和睦相关的各式各样每日每日任务。Customerswill benefit from high- parcel delivery services, includingshort delivery times for shipments. The collaboration will thusallow both parties to create further profitable growth and jointlytap the potential of the growing cross-border e-commercebusiness.

"The expansion of our parcel business in Europe is proceedingsuccessfully. This has culminated in a very attractive agreementwhich enables us and Austrian Post to strengthen and accelerate ourgrowth in Austria and beyond. We will be exploring additionalcollaboration opportunities with Austrian Post in the future as wecontinue to focus on developing our international e-commercebusiness as a key growth driver for our Group," said Frank Appel,CEO of Deutsche Post DHL Group. "The agreement is a further steptowards improving our and productivity in the Europeanparcel business."

"We are delighted to have Deutsche Post DHL Group as our partner.Our nationwide delivery throughout Austria stands for andreliability," said Georg P?lzl, CEO of Austrian Post. "Pick-upstations, self-service zones, reception boxes and the features ofour app are unique and are very well received by ourcustomers."

This agreement has no impact on Deutsche Post DHL Group's businessactivities in international express, freight transport and supplychain solutions in Austria.十堰市DHL国际速递 湖北十堰市DHL查询国际快递服务十堰市DHL国际货代公司


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